Influence of Leadership in Organisational Communication
Leadership is the ability to lead or guide other individuals, team or organization. It is about influencing other people by by what you say or what you do. It is the act of motivating people to perform a certain task to achieve objectives. It referred as directly commanding, guiding, inspiring, initiating and activating. It has four types of leadership, democratic leadership, autocratic leadership, laissez-faire leadership and paternalistic leadership. Democratic leadership is the leadership style on which members of a group take a participative role in decision making. leaders are supportive and empowering people. Leaders are encouraging inputs and innovations of group members. Autocratic leadership is the leadership characterised by individual control over all decision. Leaders act without considering inputs and opinions of members. It is good for inexperienced and unmotivated workers because there is no initiative. Laissez-faire/delegative leadership is the leadership on which members are hands-off and allow members to make decisions. Group members are success oriented it require well educated and experienced workers. Communication, awareness, creativity, empathy, integrity, charisma, adaptability, sociability, ability to understand and confidence are traits of a great leader.
Organisational Communication
Organisational communication is about sending and receiving of messages among interrelated individuals within a particular environment to achieve individuals and common goals. It helps to accomplish task related to specific role of sale, service and production. It develop relationships where human messages are directed within organisation. It focuses on building relationships with internal members and interested external public's. Organisational communication includes formal and informal communication, downward, upward and horizontal communication, written and oral communication.
Downward and Upward communication
Downward communication is the flow of information and messages from the higher level of an organisation to a lower level of the hierarchy. It inform employees about certain changes and give them feedback about the work done. It improve morale, better coordination and industrial relations. Downward communication provides organisational discipline, efficiency, and effective communication of goals. Downward communication is very important in any organisation because it is the top level of the organisation where all strategic decisions take place. Top level management motivate employees to perform well on their duties.
Upward communication is the process of flowing of information from a lower level of the hierarchy to upper level in an organisation. It helps employees to express their requirements, feelings, and ideas. It is the important source of information to a business decisions. It is good for mutual trust as it bring employees and managers closer. It helps in alerting top level management about requirement changes in organisation. It allow company to inform views regarding the implementation of new policies. It develop mutual understanding and mutual relationship with middle level and top level management.
Influence of Leadership in Organisational Communication
Being a great leader requires exceptional talent, vision, maturity and people's skills. Leadership influence the high emotion intelligence, control, engagement, integrity and confidence. Leaders manage self-awareness and social awareness. Effective leaders are highly participatory, and they are honest, visible and transparent to the task they are doing. Leadership influence how employees and leaders communicates.
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