
                     The Economics of #FeesMustFall.

People want to get into higher education when they are completed their matriculation but their economic status they cannot afford university fees. Many people are suffered by poverty, inequality and also a high level of unemployment. The government of the country need to assist students with funding to pay for university fees.

                              Advantages of Fees Must Fall

  • Students get funded for their studies
  • Everyone receive free education for future destination
  • Students will not be depressed by students loans
  • Improve educational level in South Africa and to reduce illiteracy and lack of education
  • Produce graduate who have skills and qualifications
The fees must fall is aimed to convince government and tertiary institutions to eliminate tuition fees. Fees must fall is advocating a free education. Parents are desperate because they cannot afford to pay for tuition fess.

                                 Disadvantages of Fees Must Fall

  • South Africa is still a developing country
  • Public source need to fund everyone
  • People will take education for granted
  • Damaging infrastructure while striking
  • Time consuming 
  • University property get destructed
It is important for us to address the historical inequalities and prepare economy advancement. Significant fund must come from government or public sources.


Many students request for NSFAS because their parents or guardians cannot afford university fees. There problem is, when they are done with their studies they need to pay back the amount of money they loaned during their studies. Poor remain poor and rich remains rich in South Africa, because when you are done in order to support your parents and family members you pay back it's painful. The is a huge gap between rich and poor in South Africa.



  1. Education is the key, our country needs educated individuals but if they do not get access to education, how will our country benefit?

  2. As much as everyone wants free education but we should also take into consideration that it cannot happen anytime soon, not while the economy is on junk status

  3. It seems like almost everyone condon feesmustfall movement and that is the main reason why government needs to act on this matter.We need a country full of educated professors not full junkie professors.

  4. If we are given a free education will the student use it effectively? #FeesMustFall brought change to the educationally system students will have access to education but how will the state raise funds for free education?

  5. Well I like the idea of education being free and if a student ain’t performing well or taking education for granted they can taken off the free education system!

    1. WE all want to get free education but the problem is our economic status is not stable. The main is that tuition fees increase each and every year.

  6. #feesmustfall is a good initiative, the students are fighting for a good cause these university people must bare in my mind that majority of the people in S.A come from disadvantaged backgrounds and therefore cannot afford the fees increment. I give support to the movement, phambili comrades


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